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English Grammar

Pronunciation-English Grammar

Pronunciation is the way in which a word or a language is spoken. This may refer to generally agreed-upon sequences of sounds used in speaking a given word or language in a specific dialect (“correct pronunciation”), or simply the way a particular individual speaks a word or language. A word can be spoken in different ways by various individuals or

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Punctuation and Capitalization-English Grammar

page (565-581) Page(565) Capitalization occurs when the first letter in a word is an upper case letter. For example, the first word in this sentence contains a capital F. Why do we use Punctuation and Capitalization? Marks of punctuation and capitalization help readers understand and interpret sentences better. Some marks are required to prevent misreading and some are optional and depend

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Number and How to Read-English Grammar

page (556-564) Page 556 Chapter 30 Number and How to Read Number and how to Read Number and How to read Cardinal Number one, two, three, four, five, six, etc. Ordinal Number The first, the second, the third, etc. Cardinal Number                                  Ordinal Number 0 Nought 1 One                                                   the first                        (1 st) 2 Two                                                  the second                    (2

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Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs-English Grammar

page(531-547) Page 531 The comparison of adjectives and adverbs is used to compare things, people or actions, expressing the equalities or inequalities between them. The comparison can be formed by using adjectives or adverbs. When we want to compare one thing with another we use the word than after the adjective or adverb. Chapter 28 The comparison of adjectives or adverbs is used to compare two or more things, people or actions, expressing the equalities or inequalities between them. When we make a comparison using adjectives or adverbs, we start

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Combination of Sentences-English Grammar

page(513-530) Combining sentences is a necessary part of fluent communication in the English language. However, with all of the transitions, subjects, predicates, verbs, and verbals to consider, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. But sentence combining doesn’t need to be a chore! Keep reading for various techniques to combine different types of sentences. Chapter 27 Definition Sentence combining is the process of

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Compound Words-English Grammar

page(506-510) Compound Words When two words are used together to yield a new meaning, a compound is formed. Compound words can be written in three ways: as open compounds (spelled as two words, e.g., ice cream), closed compounds (joined to form a single word, e.g., doorknob), or hyphenated compounds (two words joined by a hyphen, e.g., long-term). Sometimes, more than

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Word Building-English Grammar

page(467-489) Word Endings You can also make new words from the words you already know by using different endings. For example, “The person who employs me has a fast car”. You can make this sentence simpler, by replacing “the person who employs me” with “my employer”. This gives you “My employer has a fast car.” In English you can make nouns from

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