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Payment Request Form

Payment Request Form

Payment Request Form is document that is prepared to request payment before preparing Payment Voucher (PV).

For example, ABC company owed XYZ Company, supplier, $20,000. We will pay $20,000 on 3 March, 2018, but before payment of $20,000 , Financial Department in ABC Company will make Payment Request Form to request $20,000 before preparing Payment Voucher (PV). Financial Manager or CEO may approve all amount ( $20,000) or partial amount of $20,000 for payment to supplier, XYZ Company. Now we assume that Financial Manager or CEO approved $12,000 ( partial amount of $20,000) that is available cash for payment, so Financial Department will prepare Payment Voucher (PV) for amount of $12,000. In summary, Payment Request Form is $20,000 while Payment Voucher is $12,000.