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Orion Hindawi – Billionaire

Orion Hindawi (born 1980) is an American software entrepreneur and billionaire.


Hindawi was born and raised in Berkeley, California the son of David Hindawi, an Iraqi Jewish immigrant from Israel.

In 2007, along with his father, he founded the cybersecurity firm, Tanium. In September 2015, they raised $120 million in new funding that valued Tanium at $3.5 billion, making each of them a billionaire. Tanium uses a novel approach to cybersecurity different from its main competitors Symantec and Intel’s McAfee which have a central data center that communicates directly with individual computers (and requiring a massive investment in data centers), Tanium instead uses a peer-to-peer system where each computer on a network talks to the computer adjacent to it, pooling data, and then relaying the information in a chain before sending it back to a single server. In February 2016, Orion took over as CEO from his father.

Personal life

Hindawi is married and has one child.

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