Juergen Blickle
Juergen Blickle was born in Bruchsal, Germany, Germany. Juergen Blickle is #447 in List Billionaires People In The World. When Ernst Blickle took over SEW-Eurodrive in 1945, it was a small manufacturing company. “SEW” stood for Sueddeutsche-Elektromotoren-Werke (Factory Motors South of Germany). Sons Juergen and Rainer took the reins some 40 years later, transforming the business into an industrial powerhouse specializing in drive-automation and power-transmission solutions. Its motor, gear and electronic components are used to power conveyors, lifts and other applications in contexts ranging from auto assembly, offshore oil production and lumber processing to airport baggage handling, mineral extraction and large-scale commercial baking. Worldwide, the company employs more than 16,000 people and generates annual revenue of around $3 billion. In the U.S., it operates a manufacturing plant in Lyman, S.C., and has five regional assembly centers and 60 technical sales offices. Besides offering efficient, high-torque drives that meet tough reliability standards for the heaviest loads and harshest environments, the company prides itself on engineering custom modifications for specific customer applications and on its extensive support and distribution network. Juergen owns 50% of the company and Rainer, 44.9%. Just over 5% is held by Rainer’s charitable foundation. The brothers shun all publicity; not much is known about them.