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IAS 1: Present separately each material class of similar items.

IAS 1: Present separately each material class of similar items.

An entity shall present separately each material class of similar items. An entity shall present separately items of a dissimilar nature or function unless they are immaterial.

Financial statements result from processing large numbers of transactions or other events that are aggregated into classes according to their nature or function. The final stage in the process of aggregation and classification is the presentation of condensed and classified data, which form line items in the financial statements. If a line item is not individually material, it is aggregated with other items either in those statements or in the notes. An item that is not sufficiently material to warrant separate presentation in those statements may warrant separate presentation in the notes.

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3. Accounting Service & System
4. Outsourcing Service
5. Internal Auditing Service
6. HR Consulting
7. Practical Job Training
Services by ACCA | CPA,Tax Agent
Diploma in Cambodia Tax,and MBA
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