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IAS 1 : Disclosure of accounting policies and Other Disclosures

An entity shall disclose its significant accounting policies comprising:
(a) the measurement basis (or bases) used in preparing the financial statements; and
(b) the other accounting policies used that are relevant to an understanding of the financial statements.

It is important for an entity to inform users of the measurement basis or bases used in the financial statements (for example, historical cost, current cost, net realisable value, fair value or recoverable amount) because the basis on which an entity prepares the financial statements significantly affects users’ analysis. When an entity uses more than one measurement basis in the financial statements, for example when particular classes of assets are revalued, it is sufficient to provide an indication of the categories of assets and liabilities to which each measurement basis is applied.

An entity shall disclose, along with its significant accounting policies or other notes, the judgements, apart from those involving estimations , that management has made in the process of applying the entity’s accounting policies and that have the most significant effect on the amounts recognised in the financial statements.

Other disclosures

An entity shall disclose in the notes:
(a) the amount of dividends proposed or declared before the financial statements were authorised for issue but not recognised as a distribution to owners during the period, and the related amount per share; and
(b) the amount of any cumulative preference dividends not recognised.

An entity shall disclose the following, if not disclosed elsewhere in information published with the financial statements:
(a) the domicile and legal form of the entity, its country of incorporation and the address of its registered office (or principal place of business, if different from the registered office);
(b) a description of the nature of the entity’s operations and its principal activities;
(c) the name of the parent and the ultimate parent of the group; and
(d) if it is a limited life entity, information regarding the length of its life.

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