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Break-Even Point

Break-Even Point

Break Event Point for Service Company

Break Event Point for Service Company Break Even Point (BEP) is point that make company get zero profit. Zero profit makes revenues equal expense. BEP is important because managers want to know how many quantities that company must sell to avoid loss. We usually see Break-even point (BEP) used for calculating products or goods, but we rare see BEP used

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Break-even point (BEP) for very similar selling price and variable cost products

Break-even point (BEP) for very similar selling price and variable cost products Break-even point (BEP) is point (unit or dollar) that makes company gets zero profit. It means that revenue equals expense, and expenses include total variable costs and total fixed costs. Break-even point (BEP) can be found for single product (company sells only one product) or multiple products (company

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