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Author Archive for: admin

IAS 1 : Information to be presented in the statement of financial position

IAS 1 : Information to be presented in the statement of financial position The statement of financial position shall include line items that present the following amounts: (a) property, plant and equipment; (b) investment property; (c) intangible assets; (d) financial assets (excluding amounts shown under (e), (h) and (i)); (e) investments accounted for using the equity method; (f) biological assets

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IAS 1 : Identification of the financial statements

IAS 1 : Identification of the financial statements An entity shall clearly identify each financial statement and the notes. In addition, an entity shall display the following information prominently, and repeat it when necessary for the information presented to be understandable: (a) the name of the reporting entity or other means of identification, and any change in that information from

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IAS 1: Consistency of presentation for financial statements

IAS 1: Consistency of presentation for financial statements Consistency of presentation An entity shall retain the presentation and classification of items in the financial statements from one period to the next unless: (a)  it is apparent, following a significant change in the nature of the entity’s operations or a review of its financial statements, that another presentation or classification would

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IAS 1: change the presentation or classification of items in its financial statements

IAS 1: change the presentation or classification of items in its financial statements If an entity changes the presentation or classification of items in its financial statements, it shall reclassify comparative amounts unless reclassification is impracticable. When an entity reclassifies comparative amounts, it shall disclose (including as at the beginning of the preceding period): (a) the nature of the reclassification;

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IAS 1: Present separately each material class of similar items.

IAS 1: Present separately each material class of similar items. An entity shall present separately each material class of similar items. An entity shall present separately items of a dissimilar nature or function unless they are immaterial. Financial statements result from processing large numbers of transactions or other events that are aggregated into classes according to their nature or function.

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IAS1 : Going concern

IAS1 : Going concern Going concern When preparing financial statements, management shall make an assessment of an entity’s ability to continue as a going concern. An entity shall prepare financial statements on a going concern basis unless management either intends to liquidate the entity or to cease trading, or has no realistic alternative but to do so. When management is

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IAS 1 : Complete set of financial statements

IAS 1 : Complete set of financial statements A complete set of financial statements comprises:   a statement of financial position as at the end of the period;  a statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for  the period;  a statement of changes in equity for the period;  a statement of cash flows for the period; notes, comprising

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