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Net Present Value (NPV) for Mutually Exclusive Project

Net Present Value (NPV) for Mutually Exclusive Project Mutually exclusive project is different independent project. For mutually exclusive project, we can accept project A or B or deny both, but we cannot accept both projects. We may solve mutually exclusive projects using NPV with following two methods: Compare NPV if NPV(A)>NPV(B), so choose project A Compute incremental NPV solved via

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Net Present Value (NPV) for Independent Project

Net Present Value (NPV) for Independent Project Company may have some projects to make decision invest or not.  The independent project is one whose acceptance or rejection is independent of the acceptance or rejection of the other projects. Project decision:  if independent project NPV>0=> accept the project  if independent project NPV<0=>reject the project  if independent project NPV=0=>indifference Example: ABC Corporation

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Net Present Value (NPV) for Financing Project

Financing Project NPV= Cash receipt –  sum of present value of each cash outflow There are two types of  sum of present value of each cash outflow: Annuity Not Annuity Project decision: if NPV>0=> accept the project if NPV<0=>reject the project if NPV=0=>indifference Example: Suppose you are offered $5,000 today but must make the following payments. Required 1.What is the

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Net Present Value ( NPV) for Investing Project

Investing Project NPV= sum of present value of each cash inflow –  initial investment There are two types for sum of present value of each cash inflow : 1.Annuity 2.  Not Annuity Project decision: if NPV>0=> accept the project if NPV<0=>reject the project if NPV=0=>indifference  Advantage for NPV: it regards all period of project life in calculating. it considers the time value

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IAS 1 : Disclosure of accounting policies and Other Disclosures

An entity shall disclose its significant accounting policies comprising: (a) the measurement basis (or bases) used in preparing the financial statements; and (b) the other accounting policies used that are relevant to an understanding of the financial statements. It is important for an entity to inform users of the measurement basis or bases used in the financial statements (for example,

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IAS 1 : Information to be presented in the statement of changes in equity

IAS 1 : Information to be presented in the statement of changes in equity The statement of changes in equity includes the following information: (a) total comprehensive income for the period, showing separately the total amounts attributable to owners of the parent and to non-controlling interests; (b) for each component of equity, the effects of retrospective application or retrospective restatement

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IAS 1 : Expenses recognised in profit or loss using a classification based on either their nature or their function

IAS 1 : Expenses recognised in profit or loss using a classification based on either their nature or their function An entity shall present an analysis of expenses recognised in profit or loss using a classification based on either their nature or their function within the entity, whichever provides information that is reliable and more relevant. The first form of

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IAS 1 : The statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income (statement of comprehensive income)

IAS 1 : The statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income (statement of comprehensive income) The statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income (statement of comprehensive income) shall present, in addition to the profit or loss and other comprehensive income sections: (a) profit or loss; (b) total other comprehensive income; (c) comprehensive income for the period,

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