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Internal Rate for Return (IRR) for Mutually Exclusive Project

Internal Rate for Return (IRR) for Mutually Exclusive Project Mutually exclusive project is different from independent project. For mutually exclusive project, we can accept project A or B or deny both, but we cannot accept both projects. We may solve mutually exclusive projects using IRR with following way: Compute incremental IRR solved via cash flows from project A minus project

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Internal Rate of Return (IRR) for Independent Project

Internal Rate of Return (IRR) for Independent Project Company may have some projects to make decision invest or not.  The independent project is one whose acceptance or rejection is independent of the acceptance or rejection of the other projects. Internal rate of return (IRR) is the discount rate that makes Net Present Value (NPV) of investment zero. NPV =sum of

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Multiple Internal Return of Return (IRR) for Mixture Project

Multiple Internal Return of Return (IRR) for Mixture Project Internal rate of return (IRR) is the discount rate that makes Net Present Value (NPV) of investment zero. NPV = initial cash flow – sum of present value of each cash outflow + sum of present value of each cash inflow Mixture project has multiple IRRs. In theory, a cash flow

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Internal Rate of Return (IRR) for Financing Project

Internal Rate of Return (IRR) for Financing Project Internal rate of return (IRR) is the discount rate that makes Net Present Value (NPV) of investment zero. NPV= Cash receipt – sum of present value of each cash outflow when NPV= 0, so Cash receipt = sum of present value of each cash outflow Investing project has only one IRR. Project

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Internal Rate of Return (IRR) for Investing Project

Internal Rate of Return (IRR) for Investing Project Internal rate of return (IRR) is the discount rate that makes Net Present Value (NPV) of investment zero. NPV =sum of present value of each cash inflow – initial                investment when NPV=0, so sum of present value of each cash inflow =initial investment Investing project has only one IRR. To determine

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THE AVERAGE ACCOUNTING RETURN (AAR) AAR=Average net income/Average book value Average book value or average investment can be exchanged Project Decision: AAR > target AAR, so accept the project AAR < target AAR, so reject the project Advantages for Average Accounting Return (AAR): Easy to calculate Needed information will usually be available. Disadvantages for Average Accounting Return (AAR): Not a

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THE DISCOUNTED PAYBACK Discounted payback period is the length of time required for an investment’s discounted cash flows to equal its initial cost. In general, if we use a discounted payback rule, we won’t accidentally take any projects with a negative estimated NPV, but this argument assume the cash flows, other than the first, are all positive. If they are

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THE PAYBACK RULE (PB) Payback period: the amount of time required for an investment to generate cash flows sufficient to recover its initial cost. A cutoff period is established Payback Rule (PB) method usually use with small investment project. There are two types of cash flows to calculate payback period: For annuity                 Payback period= initial investment/annual cash inflow For

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Net Present Value (NPV) for Capital Rationing

Net Present Value (NPV) for Capital Rationing  In real situations, company may not have enough capitals to invest all profitable projects, so we need to choose projects that give optimal profit and meet with our capitals that have. Project Decision: Combined possible NPVs with available capitals and compare combined NPVs. For example, Combined NPVs (case 1) > Combined NPVs (case2),

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