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Accounting Cycle for Service Company

Accounting Cycle for Service Company Question ABC Company is Service Company. Below are accounting transactions of ABC Company for closing monthly financial statements. Please read them carefully. Date of November Financial Transactions Amount ($) 1 ABC commenced business with cash………………… 100,000 4 ABC bought furniture paid by cash………………. 36,000 6 ABC provides service on credit to CBB, Customer……… 10,000 7

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Principles of The consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss

Principles of The consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss ( Income Statement) PRINCIPLES OF THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS The consolidated statement of profit or loss shows the profit generated by all resources disclosed in the related Consolidated statement of financial position, i.e. the net assets of the parent company ( P) and its subsidiary (S). The consolidated

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IAS 12 Income Tax

IAS 12 Income Tax Income Tax IAS 12 income taxes states that there are two elements of tax that will need to be accounted for: (1)Current tax ( the amount of income taxes payable/recoverable in respect of the taxable profit/loss for a period); (2)Deferred tax ( an accounting adjustment aimed to match the tax effects of transactions to the relevant

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Financial Instruments

 Financial Instruments Financial instrument A financial instrument is any contract that gives rise to a financial asset of one entity and a financial liability or equity instrument of another entity. There are four reporting standards that deal with financial instruments: -IAS 32 financial instruments: presentation -IAS 39 financial instruments: recognition and measurement -IFRS 7 financial instruments: disclosure -IFRS 9 Financial

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IAS 36-Impairment of Asset

IAS 36-Impairment of Asset IAS 36 applied to all assets other than -Inventory (IAS2) -Construction contracts (IAS11) -Deferred tax assets (IAS12) -Assets arising from employee benefits (IAS19 is exclude from the paper) -Financial assets included in the scope of IAS32 -Investment property measured at fair value (IAS40) -Non-current assets classified as held for sale (IFRS5) Impairment  An impairment exists if:

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IFRS 5 – Non-Current Assets Held For Sale and Discontinued Operations

IFRS 5 – Non-Current Assets Held For Sale and Discontinued Operations Non-Current Assets Held For Sale Classification as Non-Current Assets Held For Sale : Non-Current Assets Held For Sale …..through a sale transaction rather than though continuing use. The following conditions must apply: 1.the asset must be available for immediate sale in its present condition 2.The asset must be highly probable, meaning

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Intangible Asset

Intangible Asset IAS 38 Intangible Assets Definition An intangible asset is an identifiable non-monetary asset without physical substance. Intangible assets include items such as: -Licences and quotas -Intellectual property, e.g. patents and copyrights -Brand names -Trademarks -Goodwill For an asset to be identifiable, it must fall into one of two categories: 1.It is separable- the asset can be bought or

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Non-Current Assets

Non-current assets | Long Term Assets | Fixed Assets Learning Objectives  1. IAS 16 Property, plant and equipment 2. IAS 20 Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance 3. IAS 40 Investment Property 4. IAS 23 Borrowing costs ————————————————————————————————————- 1. IAS 16 Property, plant and equipment Definition: Property, plant and equipment are tangible assets held by an entity

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Accounting for Returns, Discounts and Sales Tax

Accounting for Returns, Discounts and Sales Tax Learning Objectives I. Recording sales and purchases returns II. Accounting for Trade Discounts III. Accounting for Settlement /Cash Discounts IV. Accounting for Sale Tax ——————————————————————————- I. Recording sales and purchases returns It is normal for customers to return unwanted goods to a business; equally the business will occasionally have cause to return unwanted

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Accounting for Account Receivable | Trade Receivable

Accounting for Account Receivable | Trade Receivable Learning Objectives I. Cash and credit sales II. Accounting for irrecoverable debts III. Allowance for receivables ———————————————————- I. Cash and credit sales Cash Sales If a sale is for cash, the customer pays for the goods/services at the point of sale. The double entry for cash sales is: Dr Cash……………..xx Cr Sales revenue…………xx

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