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2014-Tax Prakas on VAT implementation for supporting industry or the contractors who supply goods or services for export of garments, textile industry (Download | Read Online)

Please download tax file below or read online about Tax Prakas on the implementation of VAT to support industry or the contractors who supply goods or services for export of garments, textile industry in 2014 Advertisement from Phnom Penh HR Phnom Penh HR is the best recruitment and consulting company in Cambodia and Asia, and our services by ACCA |

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2014-Tax Prakas on VAT for the contractors who supply or manufacture rice to rice exporter (Download | Read Online)

Please download tax file below or read online about Tax Prakas on the implementation for the contractors who supply rices for rice exporting in 2014 Advertisement from Phnom Penh HR Phnom Penh HR is the best recruitment and consulting company in Cambodia and Asia, and our services by ACCA | CPA, Diploma in Cambodia Tax, Tax Agent, MBA etc. Phnom

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2014-Tax Prakas on specific tax rate revision for some goods (Download | Read Online)

Please download tax file below or read online about Tax Prakas on specific tax rate revision for some goods in 2014 Advertisement from Phnom Penh HR Phnom Penh HR is the best recruitment and consulting company in Cambodia and Asia, and our services by ACCA | CPA, Diploma in Cambodia Tax, Tax Agent, MBA etc. Phnom Penh HR services: Recruitment,

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2013-Tax Prakas on collection of Tax on Means of Transportation (Download | Read Online)

Please download tax file below or read online about Tax Prakas on collection of Tax on Means of Transportation in 2013 Advertisement from Phnom Penh HR Phnom Penh HR is the best recruitment and consulting company in Cambodia and Asia, and our services by ACCA | CPA, Diploma in Cambodia Tax, Tax Agent, MBA etc. Phnom Penh HR services: Recruitment,

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2013-Tax Prakas on the Transfer Tax Calculation Base for the Vehicles and Transportation means (Download | Read Online)

Please download tax file below or read online about Tax Prakas on the Transfer Tax Calculation Base for the Vehicles and Transportation means in 2013 Advertisement from Phnom Penh HR Phnom Penh HR is the best recruitment and consulting company in Cambodia and Asia, and our services by ACCA | CPA, Diploma in Cambodia Tax, Tax Agent, MBA etc. Phnom

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2013-Tax Prakas on Tax Agency Service (Download | Read Online)

Please download tax file below or read online about Tax Prakas on Tax Agency Service in 2013 Advertisement from Phnom Penh HR Phnom Penh HR is the best recruitment and consulting company in Cambodia and Asia, and our services by ACCA | CPA, Diploma in Cambodia Tax, Tax Agent, MBA etc. Phnom Penh HR services: Recruitment, Consulting, Accounting Service, Tax

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2013- Tax Prakas on Registration Tax Collection (Download | Read Online)

Please download tax file below or read online about Tax Prakas on Registration Tax Collection in 2013 Advertisement from Phnom Penh HR Phnom Penh HR is the best recruitment and consulting company in Cambodia and Asia, and our services by ACCA | CPA, Diploma in Cambodia Tax, Tax Agent, MBA etc. Phnom Penh HR services: Recruitment, Consulting, Accounting Service, Tax

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2012-Tax Prakas on collection of Tax on Means of Transportation (Download | Read Online)

Please download tax file below or read online about Tax Prakas on collection of Tax on Means of Transportation in 2012 Advertisement from Phnom Penh HR Phnom Penh HR is the best recruitment and consulting company in Cambodia and Asia, and our services by ACCA | CPA, Diploma in Cambodia Tax, Tax Agent, MBA etc. Phnom Penh HR services: Recruitment,

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2012-Tax Prakas on the public services providing of the Departments, General Departments within the Ministry of Economy and Finance (Download | Read Online)

Please download tax file below or read online about Tax Prakas on the public services providing of the Departments, General Departments within the Ministry of Economy and Finance in 2012 Advertisement from Phnom Penh HR Phnom Penh HR is the best recruitment and consulting company in Cambodia and Asia, and our services by ACCA | CPA, Diploma in Cambodia Tax,

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2012-Tax Prakas on exchange rate for the 2012 Property Tax onward (Download | Read Online)

Please download tax file below or read online about Tax Prakas on exchange rate for the 2012 Property Tax onward in 2012 Advertisement from Phnom Penh HR Phnom Penh HR is the best recruitment and consulting company in Cambodia and Asia, and our services by ACCA | CPA, Diploma in Cambodia Tax, Tax Agent, MBA etc. Phnom Penh HR services:

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2. Cambodia Tax Consulting
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4. Outsourcing Service
5. Internal Auditing Service
6. HR Consulting
7. Practical Job Training
Services by ACCA | CPA,Tax Agent
Diploma in Cambodia Tax,and MBA
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