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Auditing Cash : Bank Confirmation, Reconciliation, Cutoff Statement | Auditing and Attestation |CPA Exam (Watch Video)

Auditing Cash : Bank Confirmation, Reconciliation, Cutoff Statement | Auditing and Attestation |CPA Exam (Watch Video) Advertisement from Phnom Penh HR Phnom Penh HR is the best recruitment and consulting company in Cambodia and Asia, and our services by ACCA | CPA, Diploma in Cambodia Tax, Tax Agent, MBA etc. Phnom Penh HR services: Recruitment, Consulting, Accounting Service, Tax Advisory,

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Auditing Cash : How to Audit Cash (Watch Video)

Auditing Cash : How to Audit Cash (Watch Video) Advertisement from Phnom Penh HR Phnom Penh HR is the best recruitment and consulting company in Cambodia and Asia, and our services by ACCA | CPA, Diploma in Cambodia Tax, Tax Agent, MBA etc. Phnom Penh HR services: Recruitment, Consulting, Accounting Service, Tax Advisory, Internal Audit Service, Outsourcing, Practical Job Training,

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2015-កាតព្វកិច្ចការបង់ពន្ធលើប្រាក់ចំណេញ និង កាតព្វកិច្ចការដាក់លិខិតប្រកាសពន្ធលើប្រាក់ចំណេញ (Watch Video)

កាតព្វកិច្ចការបង់ពន្ធលើប្រាក់ចំណេញ និង កាតព្វកិច្ចការដាក់លិខិតប្រកាសពន្ធលើប្រាក់ចំណេញ (Watch Video) Advertisement from Phnom Penh HR Phnom Penh HR is the best recruitment and consulting company in Cambodia and Asia, and our services by ACCA | CPA, Diploma in Cambodia Tax, Tax Agent, MBA etc. Phnom Penh HR services: Recruitment, Consulting, Accounting Service, Tax Advisory, Internal Audit Service, Outsourcing, Practical Job Training, HR advisory etc. Please

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2015-យល់ដឹងអំពីការបង់ពន្ធលើអចលនទ្រព្យសម្រាប់ឆ្នាំ២០១៥ (Watch Video)

យល់ដឹងអំពីការបង់ពន្ធលើអចលនទ្រព្យសម្រាប់ឆ្នាំ២០១៥ (Watch Video) Advertisement from Phnom Penh HR Phnom Penh HR is the best recruitment and consulting company in Cambodia and Asia, and our services by ACCA | CPA, Diploma in Cambodia Tax, Tax Agent, MBA etc. Phnom Penh HR services: Recruitment, Consulting, Accounting Service, Tax Advisory, Internal Audit Service, Outsourcing, Practical Job Training, HR advisory etc. Please contact Phnom Penh

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Provision for Accounting Vs Tax Concept about Estimated Expense

Provision for Accounting Vs Tax Concept about Estimated Expense *** Note: Estimated Expense such as estimated bad debt, warranty expense, obsolete inventory  etc. Accounting to IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets, Provision is estimated liability. Dr. Estimated Expense……xxx Cr. Provision …………………….xxx For example, we buy and sell phone, computer, car,printer, scanner etc, we may make warranty contract for

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How to Join Group Discussion with Experts from Phnom Penh HR

How to Join Group Discussion with Experts from Phnom Penh HR​ | ជំហានចូលជាសមាជិកពិភាក្សា You can join group discussion about Cambodia Tax, Accounting, Financial Management, Auditing etc with experts and members. The steps for joining groups are as follows (ជំហានចូលជាសមាជិកពិភាក្សា). ជំហានទី ១ , ២, ៣, ៤ | Step 1, 2, 3 and 4 ជំហានទី ៥ | Step 5 ជំហានទី ៦ | Step 6 ជំហានទី

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2012-Tax Map of Immovable Property’s Price Land – Khan Meanchey ( Download | Read Online)

Please download tax file below or read online about Map of Immovable Property’s Price Land – Meanchey issued in 2012 Advertisement from Phnom Penh HR Phnom Penh HR is the best recruitment and consulting company in Cambodia and Asia, and our services by ACCA | CPA, Diploma in Cambodia Tax, Tax Agent, MBA etc. Phnom Penh HR services: Recruitment, Consulting,

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2012-Tax Map of Immovable Property’s Price Land – Khan Toulkork (Download | Read Online)

Please download tax file below or read online about Map of Immovable Property’s Price Land – Toulkork issued in 2012 Advertisement from Phnom Penh HR Phnom Penh HR is the best recruitment and consulting company in Cambodia and Asia, and our services by ACCA | CPA, Diploma in Cambodia Tax, Tax Agent, MBA etc. Phnom Penh HR services: Recruitment, Consulting,

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2012-Map of Immovable Property’s Price Land – Khan Sen Sok (Download | Read Online)

Please download tax file below or read online about Map of Immovable Property’s Price Land – Sen Sok issued in 2012 Advertisement from Phnom Penh HR Phnom Penh HR is the best recruitment and consulting company in Cambodia and Asia, and our services by ACCA | CPA, Diploma in Cambodia Tax, Tax Agent, MBA etc. Phnom Penh HR services: Recruitment,

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Phnom Penh HR Service

1. Recruitment Service
2. Cambodia Tax Consulting
3. Accounting Service & System
4. Outsourcing Service
5. Internal Auditing Service
6. HR Consulting
7. Practical Job Training
Services by ACCA | CPA,Tax Agent
Diploma in Cambodia Tax,and MBA
**Contact Us Via 093 682 682
078 868 848|